Gynaeco oncology trials

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TitleTumor TypeLineStudy information
IMGN853-0424ovarian2-4LMirvetuximab soravtansine; phase 2 (eye drops); prescreening for FRα; plat-S (≥ 2 prior lines and PD ≥ 6mo after last line); plat-R (1 line with ≥ 4 cycles and PD 3-6mo after last line; 2-4 lines and PD ≤ 6mo after last line)
R4018-ONC-1721ovarian (epithelial)>1LREGN4018 IV QW +/- cemiplimab IV Q3W ; at least 1 prior platinum line for which progression
CIP-S25470MultipleCancer during pregnancy and in first 5 years after delivery
CIP-S62388MultipleCancer during pregnancy